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You Need A Budget


This page explains the steps you need to follow to set up the You Need A Budget connection in Automatisch. If any of the steps are outdated, please let us know!

  1. Go to the link and login your account.
  2. Click on the account name in the top left and go to Account Settings.
  3. Click on the Developer Settings.
  4. Click on the New Application under the OAuth Applications section.
  5. Fill the new application form.
  6. Copy OAuth Redirect URL from Automatisch and paste it in Redirect URI(s) section.
  7. Enable the option Enable default budget selection when users authorize this application.
  8. Click on the Save Application button.
  9. Copy the Client ID value to the Client ID field on Automatisch.
  10. Copy the Client Secret value to the Client Secret field on Automatisch.
  11. Fill the Screen Name field on Automatisch.
  12. Congrats! Start using your new You Need A Budget connection within the flows.